Live Webinar SERIES

Detox Time

Detox tips for the start of spring
Course content

Detox time: detox tips for the start of spring

Spring has begun - time to free our bodies from the "old burdens" of the winter months with a spring cleanse. Fasting periods have been celebrated in all cultures since time immemorial. Fasting can not only melt away kilos, it also revitalizes our cells. The process behind this is called autophagy. But it's not just abstaining from food that triggers this "spring-cleaning" at cellular level.
Find out in this webinar how you can also boost the cleansing process with the help of spermidine, zeolite, fiber and plant substances.
Biogena expert
Lisa Ressi, MSc
Scientific consultant, qualified health and nursing professional 

With a great deal of dedication and passion, the qualified health and nursing professional has created the MicronutrientCoach® compact course. In the courses, she shares her knowledge in a very practical way with all those who are interested in health promotion and therapy support with micronutrients.