Biogena Academy®

Make yourself an expert in health

Professional training - with certificate

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The Wellbeing-Code

der Podcast für Gesundheit & Wohlbefinden
Fundierte Informationen, inspirierende Interviews und praktische Tipps für ein gesünderes, glücklicheres und ausgeglicheneres Leben. The Wellbeing Code ist dein Gesundheitspodcast für mehr Lebensqualität.

What the Biogena Academy® offers

These and many other features await you at the Biogena Academy®.
  • With further training to success - through expert training
  • Exciting courses, on-demand webinars and live events.
  • Education, training and compliance for employees and partners.
  • Network and discuss with like-minded people in the largest health learning community
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flexible & independent of location 

Become a certified MicronutrientCoach®

Im MNC Online-Kurs sind alle Module aufgezeichnet und stehen nach dem Kauf zeitlich unbegrenzt zur Verfügung. Wenn alle Module durchgearbeitet sind, kann die Prüfung gemacht werden.
Im MNC Live-Online-Kurs finden alle Kursmodule online zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten statt. Dadurch besteht die Möglichkeit, dass man live mit dem Referenten in Austausch gehen kann.
Der MNC-Präsenzkurs ist ein reiner Live-Kurs, der Vor-Ort stattfindet. Klicken Sie bitte hier um weitere Information zu erhalten. 

Make yourself an expert in health

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Biogena Academy® - Das Kursprogramm 2025


What our students say about us

As an alternative practitioner, I have already attended several courses on the subject of orthomolecular medicine. The Biogena micronutrient training tops them all! Here, sound knowledge is imparted in a humorous and very professional way. Interrelationships are explained instead of simply reciting the individual nutrients by heart. Every second is exciting and I was thrilled and fascinated by this training, which offers so much. An incredible amount of knowledge was imparted in each webinar, which offers every therapist a great tool to develop holistic and targeted therapeutic approaches. Thank you Biogena. I am a fan of your knowledge academy! 
- Sibylle Indelkofer, alternative practitioner
As a biohacker and leadership coach for executives in the digital sector, the topic of micronutrients is one of the most important foundations for an optimized body and mind. Acquiring good specialist knowledge about this yourself is quite difficult and time-consuming. In the end, it's the quality of the knowledge that counts. A year ago, I came across the Biogena Academy and its Micronutrient Coach® training program by chance. After looking at the curriculum and the planned topics to be covered, it was clear to me that this would be a good investment of my time and resources. The presentations were very detailed and factual. Reference was always made to current studies and you had the feeling that the lecturer was deeply involved in the topics. 
- Reiner Kraft, Leadership Coach
The MicronutrientCoach® compact course from Biogena gave me so much great knowledge, which I use in my job as a qualified health and nursing professional. One of my main focuses has always been on prevention and providing the body with what keeps it healthy and vital. The compact course simply teaches you how important it is to understand the human body in all its peculiarities. For me, I can no longer do without this knowledge and natural products - a great help for healthy self-help and health maintenance! 
- Julia Cresnik, qualified health and nursing professional 
Our experts

Meet our team of outstanding experts.

Lisa Ressi, MSc

Certified health and nursing professional

Kristiina Singer, MSc

Scientific consultant for clinical nutritional medicine

Martin Michael

Alternative practitioner